Catherine Howard (1523 – 1542) – she was young and foolish. She married Henry VIII in 1540 almost immediately after the annulment of his marriage to Anne of Cleaves. He was 49 and she was 16. She was stripped of her title as queen in 1541. She was beheaded three months later on the grounds of treason for committing adultery with her distant cousin. She was only 18 when she was executed.
Here she is wearing a Tudor style hot pink velvet gown with colorful pink and gold brocade skirt. Sleeves and a collar are decorated with a white lace and gold ribbons. She is also wearing pink headpiece decorated with ribbons and pearls. Around her neck she wears pearl necklace.
The entire outfit was done in USA from a very high quality materials. Only one of this kind was made to create unique unforgettable experience.